Bournemouth Borough Council may buy properties to house homeless
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The housing would help the council save money on bed and breakfast accommodation
A Dorset council is considering buying properties to house homeless people.
Bournemouth Borough Council would set up a private sector landlord company to allow it to rent directly to people in need of emergency accommodation.
It is thought the plan could cut spending on bed and breakfast accommodation.
If the proposals are agreed, the authority said it expects to buy about 60 properties over three years at a cost of £10m.
They would also include the purchase of further properties for its own housing stock to rent.
Housing councillor Robert Lawton said: "It will help us to reduce costs, for example, avoiding the use of expensive B&B accommodation.
"By owning the properties, it would mean that the council would be able to ensure the properties are good quality and well managed.
"In the longer term, any income generated and increase in property values would come back to the council to help fund additional services for vulnerable people."
The scheme would be funded using a combination of council funding and a loan.
Councillors are due to consider the proposals on Monday.