Dorset young carers charity fundraises for virtual Christmas party

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party bagsImage source, MYTIME
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MYTIME is fundraising for party bags for the young carers' virtual Christmas get together

A charity supporting young carers is planning an online Christmas party for more than 1,000 youngsters in Dorset.

MYTIME supports children as young as five who help family members with cooking, housework and personal care.

It is selling "affordable recipe calendars" to help supporters with the rising cost of living and also raise money for the party.

The charity's Penelope Day said a virtual party for young carers was a way of "thanking them for all they do".

There are an estimated 700,000 young people across the UK who have the responsibility of caring for another person.

The charity said this often means they miss out on hobbies and other social activities their peers may take for granted.

Poole-based MYTIME helps young carers with school support programmes, retreat programmes and employability programmes.

'Very isolating'

An online get together in the run up to Christmas was suggested as many young carers find it difficult to get away from their caring responsibilities at home.

Ms Day said: "These remarkable young people work incredibly hard, and some never get a day off, including Christmas which can be very isolating.

"This chance to bring them together and let them know they're not alone and that they deserve to have fun is the highlight of our year at MYTIME."

The charity is selling calendars with 12 affordable recipes to help with the cost of providing party bags for the young carers attending the virtual party.

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