Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole: Lib Dems hoping to share power

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Councillor Vikki Slade (left) and unknown man
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Liberal Democrat leader Vikki Slade (left) said she would try to form a ruling coalition

The Liberal Democrats have leapfrogged the Conservatives to become the largest party on Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council.

The Lib Dems gained 15 seats to end up with 28 councillors.

The Conservatives are the second largest group with 12 seats after losing 23.

Lib Dem leader Vikki Slade said she would look to form a ruling coalition with the Greens, Poole People Party and possibly others.

The authority's 20 independent councillors - including Poole People and other groups - could hold the balance of power.

The largest independent group, Christchurch Independents, now has eight seats. Labour has 11 and the Greens have five.

The Lib Dems need 11 partners to form a minority administration.

Ms Slade said the result sent a message to the government that it was "on the wrong path, that people do not support them any more, that people want a change in direction".

Before the poll, the council was controlled by a Conservative minority administration.

Former Tory council leader Phil Broadhead was re-elected in Branksome Woods by just five votes.