Dorset: Student died after allergic reaction at family pub lunch

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Bournemouth Town Hall
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The coroner said Georgina Mansergh died of acute anaphylaxis due to a sesame seed allergy

A masters student died after an allergic reaction during a pub lunch with her family, an inquest has heard.

Georgina Mansergh, 24, suffered the reaction to sesame seed oil used in a mushroom risotto at The Angel Inn, Ferndown, on 11 February.

The pub's manager said the family had ordered in advance by email and had not given notification of any allergies.

Coroner Richard Middleton found she had suffered acute anaphylaxis and recorded a verdict of accidental death.

Ms Mansergh's father, Nigel, told the Bournemouth hearing that his daughter had been diagnosed with an allergy to nuts when she was two years old but they later found she also reacted to seeds as well.

He said his daughter had previously suffered only mild reactions such as tingly lips or vomiting, and would be "embarrassed" if they raised her allergies when eating at restaurants.

Mr Mansergh added that she would avoid dishes which contained seeds or nuts but would eat those marked as "may contain nuts".

'Difficult to comprehend'

He described how his daughter had gone to vomit in the toilets after starting the dish, which prompted his wife to go to their home in the Dorset town to pick up an antihistamine.By the time she returned, their daughter's condition had worsened and an ambulance was called.Mr Mansergh said: "She collapsed on me, that was when she passed out."

Family and staff carried out CPR until paramedics arrived but Ms Mansergh died at the scene.Mr Mansergh added: "We can't begin to describe how devastated we and our sons are at the loss of our beautiful girl and it is difficult to comprehend that she has gone.

Family do not blame pub

He said that she had not been advised to carry an EpiPen because her symptoms had previously been "mild to moderate".Mr Mansergh added that the family did not attach any blame to the pub but suggested more prompts about allergens when reserving places and ordering food could prevent future incidents.

James Wyer, general manager at The Angel Inn at the time, said that staff would ask about allergies when taking reservations and orders and any meals would then be prepared separately.

The hearing was told Dorset Council had not taken any action against the pub as it had complied with all requirements.