Max Events countryside adventure site plans spark row

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Max Events at Shakes HoleImage source, Google
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This 15-hectare site has been used for outdoor activities since 2008

The expansion of a countryside adventure site is an "abuse" of a remote area of ancient woodland, critics have said.

Max Events at Shakes Hole near Tolpuddle, Dorset, has asked for planning consent for a storage building and the continuation of a camping area.

Parish councils in the area have objected to the proposals.

The outdoor pursuits provider said it would make its operation "more efficient and sustainable".

Its application said the storage building would also have toilets and a shower and provide permanent on-site accommodation for a warden.

It is also asking for continued use of a camping area for 10 safari-style tents and five caravans.

Planning permission was originally granted on the 15-hectare site in 2008 after an appeal.

'Glamping style experience'

For two days a week it allowed activities including archery, off-road buggy racing and 4×4 driving, with clay pigeon shooting later added to the consent.

Knightsford Parish Council said it "strongly objected" to the new application.

"It is a quiet remote ancient woodland area enjoyed by walkers and horse riders. The unauthorised abuse of the area must stop," it said.

"The residents suffer noise from concerts and raves, and the trespassing of unlicensed and unregistered vehicles in the surrounding woodland."

The company said the storage facility would be used to support "approved leisure activities" and would save 44 two-way trips each day.

"The offer is intended to be a glamping style experience associated primarily with use of the activities, but it would also be possible to stay on site whilst visiting the local area," it said.

Compass Learning Centre in Weymouth supported the proposals in the planning consultation.

A decision on the planning application is due to be made by Dorset Council.

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