Cotswold Hunt suspended after fox allegedly buried alive

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A member of Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch told Channel 4 news about her discoveryImage source, Channel 4 News
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Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch says it filmed the footage on the Miserden Estate in Gloucestershire

A hunt has been suspended over alleged illegal practices after a video emerged of a fox appearing to be found buried alive inside a bag.

Footage appears to show hunt saboteurs rescuing the fox from a man-made den before a hunt member calls hounds away on the Miserden Estate on 18 March.

The Cotswold Hunt has been suspended by the British Hound Sports Association (BHSA) which says it is investigating.

Gloucestershire Police has also confirmed that it is investigating.

The footage captured by the Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch was first shown by Channel 4 News on Tuesday.

The group has claimed the video shows the illegal practice of "fox-bagging" - where a fox is captured, trapped and then released for hounds to chase during a hunt.

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Image source, Channel 4 News
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Hunt saboteurs allegedly discovered the fox in a bag buried under the ground

Wildlife rescue experts were called to the scene and confirmed that the fox was a female, possibly lactating at the time of discovery.

The bag it was found in was "sodden" with urine having possibly been trapped for many hours, the group said.

Gloucestershire Police rural crime team leader, Insp Simon Ellson said: "We take all reports of illegal fox hunting very seriously.

"Our rural crime officers have gathered evidence in relation to this case and will pursue any offenders.

"If you see any rural crime in action please do contact police."

The allegations come just a month after Wiltshire-based Avon Vale Hunt was thrown out of the sport's governing body after footage appearing to show a fox being dug out of its den and thrown to hounds was posted online.

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Footage from the Avon Vale Hunt showed a fox being pulled out of its den and tossed to hounds

It has been illegal to hunt foxes in England since 2004 but hunts are permitted to simulate a chase by following a pre-laid scent, which is known as trail hunting.

A BHSA spokesperson said it has launched an immediate investigation following allegations being made against one of its member hunts.

"The seriousness of these allegations has resulted in the Cotswold Hunt being suspended from the BHSA whilst an investigation is conducted.

"If there is any evidence of illegal activity or a breach of the BHSA's core principles, the matter will be referred to the Hound Sports Regulatory Authority to consider appropriate disciplinary measures

"Should there be any police investigation into these allegations the Cotswold Hunt will fully assist with any enquiries," they said.