Bishop of Gloucester criticises shops for selling Easter eggs

The Rt Revd Rachel Treweek smilingImage source, PA Media
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The Bishop of Gloucester believes Easter eggs should not be for sale while it is still the Christmas period

The Bishop of Gloucester has criticised two supermarkets for having Easter eggs for sale while "it is still Christmas".

The Rt Rev Rachel Treweek labelled it "shocking consumerism", calling out Marks and Spencer and Sainsbury's.

"I don't think it is [too early]. I love Easter," one shopper told BBC Radio Gloucestershire.

A Sainsbury's spokesperson said, "some customers like to treat themselves early", but Marks and Spencer has not responded to requests for comment.

The Sainsbury's spokesperson added: "Some stores may have a couple of Easter products on display."

They said this helped customers "begin their preparations in plenty of time".

Image source, Matt Hill/PA Wire
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These Easter eggs were spotted for sale on 28 December in Tesco

"Even though Christmas & [the] birth of Jesus Christ points to his death (Good Friday) & resurrection (Easter) .. it is STILL Christmas (lasts 12 days).

"Why are you already displaying Easter Eggs?," said the Rt Rev Treweek.

"We haven't even had Mothering Sunday," said Nigel Griffin, who lives in Gloucester.

"It is a bit too early. I wonder what the sell by date is on them. They could go out of date before Easter."

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Another local resident, Ramiro Alves, said: "I think it is too early to have Easter eggs bearing in mind we're just coming off the back of Christmas and I think kids specifically indulge in a lot of sweets during Christmas."

He said it "puts too much pressure on parents, financially" and "prolongs Easter longer than it should".

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"I think we should maybe just hold off and give everyone a break before Easter kicks in," said Ramiro Alves

"Definitely too early yet. Shouldn't be in the shops until at least end of February," added Lauren Keene, from Gloucester.

Ms Treweek has been contacted for comment.

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