The Heavens: Campaign to protect future of Stroud beauty spot

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Heavens in StroudImage source, Susan Fenton
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Heavens Valley sits in the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Residents have launched a campaign to protect a beloved beauty spot that is set to be placed on the market.

The Heavens, in Stroud, is a 102-acre area of land used widely by locals and visitors, which has a waterfall and meadows.

Heavens Valley Action Group said the area is "a really special place for so many people" and it plans to fundraise to buy the land to protect its future.

The landowner, Moreton Cullimore, said it does not wish to comment.

The valley sits on the edge of the town of Stroud, stretching towards Thrupp, in the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

Campaigners are concerned about what would happen to the land if it was sold, with their concerns including possible restrictions on access.

Image source, Simon Pickering
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Campaigners are concerned about what would happen to the land if it was sold

The group is aiming to raise enough money to buy the land and "make sure it is managed in the best interest in both nature and the wider community".

It is trying to raise about £750,000 as members believe that is approximately what the price will be.

'So special and remote'

Martin Whiteside has lived next to the Heavens Valley for 28 years in Brimscombe and Thrupp and is one of the group's organisers.

He told the BBC: "When you are there you feel like you are in the middle of nature. It feels so special and remote.

"There is a waterfall down the central part of the valley, a chalk stream and either side there are flower rich meadows. In the summer you have children paddling and playing in the stream, families picnic either side.

"Since lockdown we have found how many people value it for the mental health. They go there to decompress from everyday life."

Image source, Susan Fenton
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Campaigners want to raise money to buy the land

Mr Whiteside added: "One gets worried about what happens next. Will the new landowner restrict access?

"Will they protect this amazing area or not? That is where we started the Heavens Valley Action Group.

"To protect the nature there, to enhance the community use and mobilise the love and energy of all those people that do use it to manage it and care it forever and moving forward."

Accessible to everyone

Stroud Town Council said it supports the community-led project, and has had no discussions about funding.

A spokesperson said: The town council is passionate about green spaces in and around the town as they are vital for the environment and sustainability and the wellbeing for the people who live in the community.

"The Heavens is a well-used and much-loved area and the town council is supportive of the local community coming together to find a way to ensure it remains accessible to everyone."

A public meeting for residents to discuss proposals to protect the valley is set to take place on 25 March at the Subscription Rooms in Stroud.

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