New Gloucester veterans cafe to open to support community

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Google Street View of Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum's new cafeImage source, Google Street View
Image caption,

The new veterans cafe will run on the second Thursday of every month at the museum at Custom House in Gloucester Docks

A museum has launched a new veterans cafe this week for serving Armed Forces personnel, veterans and their families.

The Gloucester cafe opened at the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum on 11 April and will run every second Thursday of the month.

With the support of Gloucestershire County Council, advice services will be available from 10.30am to 12.30pm.

Museum director Matthew Holden said it is a fantastic opportunity to give back to the Armed Forces community.

Mr Holden added they aim to help all cafe users to enjoy the best life they possibly can.

Councillor Andrew Gravells, Armed Forces champion for Gloucestershire, said: "I am delighted we have been able to work with the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum to set up these sessions at the museum.

"The county council takes its commitment to our Armed Forces very seriously and we of course owe all of our Armed Forces serving personnel, veterans and their families a great debt of gratitude for their service to our country."

The council has recently relaunched the Armed Forces Covenant pages of its website, which allows serving personnel, veterans, reservists and their families to find advice, help and social events in the area.

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