Daughter's 'shock' at Hampshire care home police raid
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The daughter of a care home resident who has been forced to move after a police raid has spoken of her shock.
Eleven suspected illegal immigrants were detained in the operation at Linford Park Nursing Home in Ringwood, on Thursday.
Three staff members were held on Thursday, with a fourth arrest made earlier, all on suspicion of neglect.
Jean Curtis, whose mother Mary, 98, has lived at the home for three years, said she had been "well looked after".
UK Border Agency officers, along with Hampshire police, carried out the raid early on Thursday which targeted "immigration offenders working illegally".
'Very caring'
The council has provided temporary staff, but has been forced to move some of the most frail residents to more appropriate accommodation.
Ms Curtis has now helped her mother move to a new home in Fordingbridge.
She added: "This has been a great shock that people have come in and taken away her life.
"She's being shuffled around like a piece of old meat.
"She's been very comfortable at the home, very well looked after.
"The care has been good as far as I'm aware.
"Most of the people I have met at the home have been very caring."
Three staff members, a 62-year-old man from Christchurch, a 61-year-old woman from London and a 78-year-old man from London, were arrested on Thursday.
A fourth person, a 47-year-old man from Ringwood, was arrested on Friday.
The owner of the home was unavailable for comment when the BBC contacted the home.
The agency said the raid was supported by Hampshire County Council adult services.
Councillor Felicity Hindson, Hampshire's executive member for adult social care, said: "The care and wellbeing of the frail residents at the home near Ringwood is paramount.
"We have had to move a number of the most vulnerable and frail elderly people to alternative care."
A spokeswoman for the Care Quality Commission told BBC News: "We are happy that the residents who remain in the home are safe because social services are ensuring their safety and wellbeing.
"We do not plan to take any immediate action but will monitor the situation very closely for the next few days."