Hambledon: The Hampshire village under water for 40 days
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Wednesday marked the 40th day since the Hampshire village of Hambledon was first flooded.
Residents say much of the village has been under water ever since and MP George Hollingbery has called for urgent action, saying people are "cut off from the rest of the world".
BBC News went to investigate how villagers are coping.
Caroline Vine lives in the village and runs a mobile hairdressing business.

"We have to make do with how things are," she said. "We can't do much about it, it's an act of God, so we have to work around it.
"I've found it tiring, as you have to walk everywhere, even a short trip to my mum around the corner takes a long time.
"We desperately need help, more pipes, more pumps. It's been relentless since Christmas.
"People are coming along to have a look at the situation, but we just need them to do more."

Denise Lance has been volunteering with the village's flood action team.

"I've just finished a four-hour shift with the volunteers in the village hall, manning the phones and helping direct help to the people who need it most.
"There's a real concern at the moment about what the latest band of heavy rain will bring and a call has been put out for more sandbags to be delivered to the village.
"The floods have been here for several weeks, but the way the village has pulled together has been fantastic."

Sylvia Cleeve was born in Hambledon and has lived in the village most of her life.

"I remember the water being very high in the winter of 1947/48, but I've never seen it at this level before," she said.
"It's about the worst it's been so far and we're staying indoors and hoping we get through it.
"My 102-year-old mother lives in the village and I've been keeping an eye on her as much as I can, but even going out to visit your friends is a real effort,"

Jan Jarvie from the Flood Action Group in Hambledon.

"Since moving here in 1990, I've seen a number of floods in the village, but this is by far and away the biggest in terms of volume of water.
"If the pumps weren't here, we'd be in a much worse situation.
"Right now, we're redirecting sandbags in the village as we're anticipating a lot of rain overnight on Friday into Saturday.
"The flood watch team has been working through the night to make sure we're looking after the people in the village who need us most.
"We've been working pretty heavily since 8 January when groundwater started to swell up to the roads."