Tree demand prompts Hillier Nurseries £4m farm expansion

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HillierImage source, Hillier Nurseries
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The company wants to expand production of ornamental trees

A nursery firm is set to plant up to 30,000 trees this winter following its £4m purchase of farmland in Hampshire.

Ampfield-based Hillier Nurseries has bought the 200-acre Flexcombe Farm at Liss.

The company said it would provide the space to supply developers aiming to meet demands for tree planting as part of efforts to combat climate change.

Director Adam Dunnett said the demand for UK-grown trees had "probably never been stronger".

The land at Flexcombe Farm was previously used for grazing cattle, leaving the soil rich with nutrients, which combined with the free-draining land, provides ideal conditions for growing trees, the nursery said.

Mr Dunnett said the acquisition would increase its growing capacity for sought-after larger semi-mature trees.

"This demand is only likely to increase with the government tree planting targets, our towns and cities seeking to increase their canopy cover, planners raising the bar on green infrastructure requirements with developers and the public demanding a greener environment to help combat climate change," he said.

In full production, Flexcombe is expected to produce over 100,000 standard and heavy-standard ornamental trees.

The company employs more than 800 staff across its 19 garden centres, wholesale nursery and trees departments and brands itself as is the "largest tree grower in the UK".

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