Make a Difference: Read Easy Southampton boosted by award

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Alison Ford and Linda Gatland
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Alison Ford and Linda Gatland said the award brought a renewed interest in the charity's literacy work

The profile of a charity helping adults learn to read has been boosted by winning a BBC Make a Difference Award, its volunteers have said.

Read Easy Southampton won the 2023 Community Group Award.

The Southampton branch is one of 80 groups nationwide, with volunteers offering free, one-to-one coaching to adults who want to learn to read.

Nominations are open for the 2024 Make a Difference Awards which recognise those helping their local communities.

The annual awards shine a light on people going above and beyond in their local communities.

Southampton's Read Easy branch started in 2021, with volunteer reading coaches so far helping dozens of adults with their literacy skills.

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Read Easy volunteers help adults who want to learn to read

An estimated 10,000 people in the city struggle with reading.

The charity's Linda Gatland said volunteers were "thrilled" to have been shortlisted in the Community Group category.

"We knew being nominated would get us better known and raise our profile which was important," she said.

Colleague Alison Ford said it was a "delight" to have won.

"There were so many other organisations that could have won, but it was such a proud moment to know we'd been recognised," she said.

"It has brought people to us - readers who have wanted to come and get support for their reading skills, it's increased our social media profile and media reach, and so has made us better known.

"I like saying, 'We're not just a local charity, we're an award-winning local charity'."

Make a Difference

The Make a Difference Awards recognise and celebrate people who are going above and beyond to make a difference where they live.

Every BBC Local Radio station will host an awards ceremony in 2024.

The awards are a chance to say "thank you" and show recognition and appreciation for people who love to make life better for others.

Nominations can be made at BBC Make a Difference where you can also see full Terms and the Privacy Notice. Nominations will close on Sunday 10 March 2024 at 23:00 GMT.