Worcester: Empty Red Lion pub faces demolition in homes plan
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The previous landlords spent £50,000 refurbishing the pub before being hit by numerous Covid lockdowns
An empty village pub that closed during the Covid pandemic could be demolished and replaced with new homes.
Plans for the Red Lion in Holt Heath, Worcester, would see it knocked down and six four-bed houses built on the site.
The pub closed in November 2020 when landlords described having "12 months of hell" due to Covid restrictions.
A planning application for the development has been submitted to Malvern Hills District Council.
Previous landlords Kate Stacey and Stephen Wright took over the pub in October 2019 and poured £50,000 into refurbishing it.
The pair announced they would be moving on little more than a year later following a number of forced pub closures.
Consultation on the plans ends on 13 September.

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