West Mercia officer colluded with family to take his speeding fine

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West Mercia Police car
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Student officer Joseph Mudd was captured driving at 65mph in a 50mph zone, prosecutors said

A police officer who colluded with his family to get his stepfather to take his speeding penalty was caught after bragging about it, prosecutors say.

West Mercia Police officer Joseph Mudd was captured driving at 65mph in a 50mph zone and hatched a plan with his mother and stepfather to avoid blame.

But after Matthew Mudd was fined, student officer Mudd, 19, bragged about it to colleagues who then reported him.

He was given a suspended sentence for perverting the course of justice.

He and his mother Caroline Mudd, 42, and his 36-year-old stepfather all pleaded guilty on Wednesday at Worcester Crown Court to committing an act or series of acts with intent to pervert the course of public justice.

The trio, all from Cappers place, Monmouth, in Gwent, were sentenced to 12 weeks' imprisonment suspended for 12 months, ordered to do 200 hours of unpaid work and pay shared costs of £510.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said Mudd had been caught speeding by a mobile enforcement camera on 26 April last year.

'Deliberately deceive'

"Rather than admit his guilt after the notice of intended prosecution was sent to his home address, he agreed a plan with his mother and stepfather that his stepfather would take the blame for his offence," the CPS said.

He recorded on the notice of intended prosecution reply form that his stepfather was driving the car at the time, which led to Matthew Mudd receiving a £100 fine and three points on his licence, the CPS added.

But after telling colleagues what he had done, the other officers reported the matter and the police began an investigation.

Emily Clewer, of the CPS, said: "Police officers should be held to high standards and are expected to be moral beacons in our society, and it is a gross breach of trust when those we expect to fiercely uphold the law commit a crime.

"Joseph Mudd colluded with his family members to deliberately deceive the court.

"Thankfully, his colleagues reported him as soon as they became aware of his inexcusable conduct and all three defendants have now been sentenced for their crimes."

West Mercia Police said the officer had since resigned from the force and misconduct proceedings were under way.

Deputy Chief Constable Alex Murray said: "The public expect the very highest standards of professional behaviour and integrity from police officers and rightfully so.

"We will not hesitate to investigate criminal offences that come to light as we would with any member of the public."

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