Freedom honour for Hull's Falklands veterans

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MV NorlandImage source, Keith Thompson
Image caption,

MV Norland was one of nine vessels from Hull used during the Falklands conflict

Veterans of the Falklands conflict are to receive the Honorary Freedom of the City of Kingston upon Hull.

The Freedom Scroll will be presented to holders of the South Atlantic Medal at an extraordinary meeting of Hull City Council at the Guildhall on 20 July.

Nine vessels from the city, including the North Sea ferry MV Norland, were involved in the 1982 conflict.

Council leader Mike Ross said it was "absolutely right" the veterans were honoured.

Image source, Keith Thompson
Image caption,

Keith Thompson sailed to the conflict on the MV Norland

The South Atlantic Medal has been awarded to about 30,000 people - both servicemen and women - and civilians - who were involved in the conflict.

About 75 medal-holders are expected to attend the ceremony, the council said.

Councillor Ross added: "Over 40 years on from the war, it is absolutely right that Hull veterans should be recognised in this official way.

"The Honorary Freedom of the City is the highest honour the council can bestow. We're delighted to be able to commemorate those from the city who played such an important part."

Keith Thompson was a 32-year-old assistant purser on the MV Norland when he volunteered to help transport the men of 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment to the South Atlantic.

Mr Thompson thanked the council for formally recognising the actions of those involved, adding: "This honour is such an important thing for us and we're so proud.

"We have a big affinity with the Falkland Islands, where there is quite a big community of people who have moved over there from Hull."

The presentation takes places at 16:00 BST.

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