Thanet councillor Mike Harrison suspended over Facebook post

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Councillor Mike Harrison
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Councillor Mike Harrison has been suspended from the Thanet Labour group for one month

A Kent councillor accused of using offensive and homophobic language on the social networking site Facebook, has been suspended.

Bob Bayford, Tory leader of Thanet District Council, had accused Labour councillor Mike Harrison of a gross breach of conduct.

The remarks are said to have contained offensive comments about the prospective chairman of a committee.

Mr Harrison has been suspended from the Thanet Labour group for one month.

Councillor Clive Heart, leader of the Labour group on the council, said: "Following a thorough internal investigation of recent events leading to him receiving a letter of advice from the police, councillor Mike Harrison has been suspended from Thanet Labour group for one calendar month."

The remarks that sparked the complaint were made in a public forum on Facebook.

Mr Harrison said his Facebook account had been hacked into in an attempt to discredit him.

A subsequent post from Mr Harrison said he thought he might have been "fraped" - a term for when someone edits Facebook without permission.

The post said: "I have seen a copy of what purports to be part of a conversation between me and a friend on here.

"We are talking about fishing (what else) bar-b-q's and my upcoming holiday, why on earth would I suddenly insert into that conversation some pretty unpleasant remarks?"