Al Murray's Pub Landlord to stand against Nigel Farage
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Nigel Farage will face pint-holding competition from Al Murray's Pub Landlord
Comedian Al Murray will stand in his guise as The Pub Landlord against UKIP leader Nigel Farage at the general election.
Mr Murray, whose character is based around a love for all things British, has formed the Free United Kingdom Party.
He confirmed he would stand for election in Thanet South, in Kent.
He said: "It seems to me that the UK is ready for a bloke waving a pint around, offering common sense solutions."
In a Twitter message, external, Mr Farage told his rival: "The more, the merrier! @almurray".
And a spokesman for UKIP added: "At last, serious competition in the constituency."
'Moon on British stick'
Dan Lloyd, who represents Al Murray through production company Avalon, said "it's definitely happening" and confirmed papers will be lodged before the deadline.
In a video posted online he said: "Let it be known that like many of the parliamentary hopefuls in the forthcoming election, I have no idea where South Thanet is.
"But did that stop Margaret Thatcher from saving the Falkland Islands? No."
Al Murray's Pub Landlord: ''1p a pint is the first of my pledges''
Mr Murray, 46, is standing in a constituency which the Conservative Party won from Labour at the previous election in 2010.
The serving Conservative MP is Laura Sandys.
A website Mr Murray has set up for his campaign, carries the slogan: "Other parties offer the moon on a stick. We'll do better than that: a British moon on a British stick."
His party is using an upturned pound sign for a logo, in a clear parody of the UKIP symbol.
Mark Berry, who is known as the Happy Mondays dancer Bez, officially confirmed earlier in the week he will stand for election in Salford for his Reality Party, after announcing his plan last year.
- Published14 January 2015
- Published23 March 2014