Goalden Girls over 50s running club achieve marathon goal
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The Goalden Girls have become a well-known sight running down on Blackpool Promenade
A running group made up of over-50s women from the Fylde coast in Lancashire is "totally elated" after completing the Edinburgh Marathon.
The Goalden Girls was set up by Tricia Ellis in 2010 with the aim of running a marathon in the Olympic year.
All 25 runners, who were beginners, crossed the finishing line.
The group, which has been awarded an Olympic 2012 inspire mark, has raised more than £14,000 for five charities.
'Never too late'
Mary Hawes said: "The weather was so hot it was horrendous but we are all totally elated we all managed to cross the winning line."
She said the Goalden Girls want to keep running together after achieving their original goal.
"There has been some talk about running another marathon - maybe the New York marathon next year - but we're going to let this sink in before we decide."
Ms Hawes added: "I think we'll have a few aches and pains in the morning."
Sue Crook said: "The name came from the goal - to do a marathon in the Olympic year and hence the colour gold."
She said the group had become a well-known sight in their signature gold running down Blackpool Promenade.
Pam Binns, who is the oldest member of the group at 67, said joining the group was "an ideal opportunity to keep fit".
She said: "It just goes to prove anybody can keep fit at any age - it's never too late."