Bradford library and museum strike: Unite reveals dates for action

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Bradford city centreImage source, Getty Images
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Unite criticised the council's "hardline attitude" as Bradford bids to be UK City of Culture 2025.

A trade union has announced dates that members working at Bradford's libraries and museums are due to go on strike.

The Unite union said on Monday its members had voted for industrial action over cuts which it says could see funding reduced by 65%.

It has now revealed 14 dates for a series of walk outs over the coming months.

Bradford Council said steps would be taken to help ensure library services are still provided during the strike.

Unite said Library and museum staff in Bradford will strike on:

  • 21 and 22 October

  • 5, 6 and 7 November

  • 18, 19, 20 and 21 November

  • 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 December

Image source, PA Media/Steve Parsons
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Unite represents about 50 library and museum staff in Bradford about 39% of the council's overall libraries and museums workforce

Unite regional officer Mark Martin said: "It is a wake-up call for the council to come to the table for constructive negotiations."

Bradford Council could not be reached for comment, but previously said it would continue library services.

It also said the union should "work with us", rather than taking action which will "primarily impact library service users and be of no benefit to staff or residents".

Image source, Geograph/Chris Heaton
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Bradford Council run four museums including Cartwright Hall art gallery

Earlier this month, it was revealed that Bradford Council plan to spend £1.4m over the next three years to promote its bid to be named UK City of Culture.

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