West Yorkshire Police worker admits sexual assault

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Matthew Oxby remains suspended from duty pending the outcome of a misconduct hearing

A West Yorkshire Police staff member has admitted sexually assaulting a woman in Wakefield.

Matthew Oxby, 48, worked in Regional Scientific Support Services when the incident took place in December 2022.

He appeared at Leeds Magistrates' Court on Thursday, where he pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay an £800 fine and £200 in victim compensation.

Det Ch Supt Nicola Bryar said his actions "fell well below what we expect of our employees both on and off duty".

Oxby remains suspended from duty pending the outcome of a misconduct hearing.

Det Ch Supt Bryar said: "We are committed to protecting women and girls from violence and sexual violence.

"No-one should expect or accept being treated in this way whilst on a night out.

"Following the conclusion of this court case, the misconduct investigation will now commence in relation to this staff member."

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