Readers criticise Walkers crisp packet post campaign

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Crisp packet being posted
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Royal Mail is obliged by law to deliver packets to Walkers' freepost address

A campaign which sees people posting empty packets of Walkers crisps has been criticised by BBC readers.

The non-recyclable plastic bags are being posted to try to convince the crisp maker to create an alternative.

BBC readers have questioned the logic of the protest. One suggested it would be simpler to avoid buying the packets.

However, campaign group 38 Degrees said: "There shouldn't have to be a conflict between eating your favourite snacks and caring for the environment."

Royal Mail is legally obliged to deliver the packets and has urged people to use envelopes because the bags must be sorted by hand, causing delays.

The response from reader oldernotwiser offered a flavour of many.

"Why would you post them? DO NOT EAT THEM if you have a problem.

"Stop wasting the postie's time; not his/her fault. couldn't make it up!"

Image source, PA
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Walkers crisps are packaged in metallised plastic film

People have been taking selfies of themselves posting the packets and shared them on social media with the hashtag #PacketInWalkers.

It follows a petition hosted by 38 Degrees which called for Walkers to make their packets recyclable.

Walkers has pledged to make all its packaging 100% recyclable, compostable or biodegradable by 2025.

Glaring Disparity commented: "Protesting against Walkers crisps by consuming them? That really is a novel form of protest."

alexbuckenham added: "So, people are buying a product to protest against the company that makes them?

"I'll pre-empt anyone saying that people are not buying more to do this. It's social media fuelled protesting."

However, some readers saw the benefits of the campaign, including HL.

"All the people complaining 'well just don't buy their products.' What's so bad about this? I like the crisps.

"And public pressure can force companies to make better decisions."

Baggiebird8 added: "I think this is a point well made... Crisps never used to be packaged in metallised film (composite material) and we still ate them."

A 38 Degrees spokesperson said: "We absolutely encourage anyone joining the 38 Degrees campaign against Walkers Crisps to listen to the Royal Mail advice and use envelopes when posting your packets back in.

"After all, we want our message to get to Walkers as quickly and easily as possible."

The spokesperson also addressed suggestions that the campaign was self-defeating, if people were buying crisps to then put them in the post.

"We aren't encouraging people to buy extra Walkers crisps just to send them back in the post," they said.

"But British people love crisps, and Walkers account for 56% of the UK potato snack market.

"There shouldn't have to be a conflict between eating your favourite snacks and caring for the environment, so we're encouraging people that eat Walkers crisps to send their used crisp packets back."

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