Lincoln Cathedral's Duke of Edinburgh roses stolen from grounds

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Man looking into an empty ground at Lincoln Cathedral
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Lincoln Cathedral said it hoped "CCTV footage might help us find the roses"

Thirty-five rose bushes planted in memory of the late Duke of Edinburgh have been stolen from the grounds of Lincoln Cathedral.

Michael Graves, from Lincoln Cathedral, said staff were "shocked and upset" the plants, which were worth £700 in total, had been taken overnight on Sunday.

He said they were planted in September to honour the duke, who died in 2021 - nine weeks before his 100th birthday.

Lincolnshire Police are investigating and appealed for information.

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Michael Graves said the Duke of Edinburgh roses were planted to bring the grounds "back to life"

The finishing line for Lincoln's 10K race on Sunday, external was near Lincoln Cathedral.

Mr Graves, acting clerk of works at the cathedral, said staff were left "bemused" when they discovered the following morning the rose bushes had disappeared from the East Green area of the grounds.

"It's been looking really bad and drab because of the chafer grub damage and the roses, as well as some wildflowers we've planted, was part of a way just to bring this little area back to life again.

"The roses were Duke of Edinburgh roses and they were in memory of the duke.

"A lot of time and effort had gone into putting these bushes in and caring for them... [so it] is just upsetting really for everybody."

In a tweet, Lincoln Cathedral said it hoped "CCTV footage might help us find the roses".

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Lincolnshire Police said: "We are investigating a report that an unknown number of rose bushes were taken from Lincoln Cathedral sometime overnight on Sunday 16 April into Monday 17."

The force appealed for anyone with information, CCTV or any other footage to contact them.

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