In pictures: London Zoo animals line up for stock take
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London Zoo is carrying out its annual stock take of animals. Included in the count is Kumbuka, a male silverback gorilla, who joined the zoo last year. Endangered breeds such as the first spiny headed lizards to be born in the UK are also part of the count.

Humboldt penguins are just one of the 800 species that have been counted.

The compulsory count is required as part of ZSL London Zoo’s license and the results are logged into the International Species Information System (ISIS), where the data is shared with zoos around the world and used to manage international breeding programmes for endangered animals.

Although the stock take is carried out once a year, keepers have an inventory of what animals they have which is constantly monitored.

The zoo, in Regent's Park, is the world's oldest scientific zoo having been opened in 1828.

Last year's stock take took place on New Year's Day. Then, there were 70 species of mammals, 119 types of birds, 81 reptiles and 281 different species of fish.

In total, there were 19,178 animals at the zoo last year.