Watch: Christmas snow-window art helping Crisis charity

Tom and Keri run Christmas business Snow Windows, which involves painting snow art on windows. It has taken them all around the world at all times of year.

The couple, from Sandhurst, in Berkshire, had the idea to start the company after a trip to the garden centre to buy Christmas ornaments.

"Tom picked up this can of snow spray and I was like, 'what is going to happen on my windows?'. I came down the next morning to make a cup of tea and there was just, like, this masterpiece."

This year, Tom and Keri collaborated with the homelessness charity Crisis to create a snow window design for a string of their charity shops, including in Muswell Hill, north London, where they installed a frost-kissed design with the message "life beyond homelessness" displayed on snow-etched structures.

Video by: Eric Anderson

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