Brighton traffic wardens in school parking crackdown
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Pupils have designed a poster promoting a safe walking zone
Motorists who park or stop illegally on roads outside schools in Brighton and Hove could face an instant fine under a new crackdown to improve safety.
Traffic wardens with cameras are looking out for people who stop in Keep Clear zones or on double yellow lines.
Anyone seen committing an offence, no matter how briefly, will have their vehicle photographed and a £70 fine will be sent to them through the post.
The initiative, which began this week, follows calls for action from parents.
Brighton and Hove City Council said it was agreed by the all-party transport committee last year after consistent reports of "near misses" involving children outside schools.
Up to 40 wardens will monitor the roads outside the city's primary and secondary schools.
About 60 schools have the Keep Clear road signs with zig zag markings, while a few others have yellow lines with loading bans or pedestrian crossings with white zig zags, the council said.
'Walking zone'
Motorists flouting the rules will not be forewarned of a penalty notice and will not receive any notification on the windscreen of their vehicle.
The £70 fine will be reduced to £35 if paid within two weeks.
Councillor Ian Davey, who chairs the transport committee, said: "This is about the safety of the city's 30,000 schoolchildren.
"The school 'Keep Clears' are there to ensure clear lines of sight for motorists and children, as well as for other road users, outside schools."
He added: "If you need to drive to school, we request that you park safely, legally and considerately.
"As well as not stopping, dropping off or parking on school 'Keep Clears', this also means not double parking; not parking on corners or junctions near the school entrance; not blocking driveways.
"Please try to park away from the school entrance and walk the last five or 10 minutes."
In support of the council crackdown, pupils from Coldean Primary School, in Coldean, have designed a poster promoting a "five minute walking zone" to encourage parents to park away from the school.
The council has printed the poster and placed it on lamp-posts in the area.
If parents adhere to it, their children receive badges as rewards.
Nigel Watson, deputy head teacher, said the children were involved in planning where the zone went.
"Now the parents are aware how far away five minutes is... and that saves huge amounts of congestion around our school gates."