Protest over plan to shut Skelton factory and export jobs

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Dozens of workers, past and present, staged a demonstration outside the factory on Friday

A factory that has made insoles for 50 years may close with jobs moved overseas, union bosses said.

About 80 workers are at risk of redundancy over plans to shut the Texon factory in Skelton, East Cleveland.

The Coats Group, which acquired the site in 2022, said it did not "underestimate" the impact on its workers.

Staff, current and former, staged a demonstration outside the factory on Friday.

They marched from the building to Skelton high street before returning to carry out a protest outside.

Brian Walsh, who worked at the site for 44 years, said it "saddened his heart" that consultations over its closure are underway.

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Brian Walsh had worked at the Texon factory in Skelton for 44 years

"It's done me very proud," Mr Walsh, who left the company last August, told the BBC.

"I came here for a job for 18 months when I was building a little business up. But that didn't quite work so I ended up staying here, ended up married, had two sons and this became my life."

Mr Walsh said he was disappointed at the proposals, which the union claims involve moving production to Indonesia in order to reduce costs.

"It really is a first-class factory with first-class [people] in it," he said. "I know a lot of these lads and I've worked with their fathers... it really is a sad day."

The factory currently produces insoles for major brands including Adidas and Nike.

Carl Drury, a current employee, said the closure would be a "big blow" for the surrounding area and local businesses.

Unite the Union, which is urging The Coats Group to reconsider its plans, accused the company of "corporate greed".

Image source, Unite
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The site makes insoles for Adidas and Nike

General secretary Sharon Graham said it wants to shut a "profitable factory that has been the pillar of the community for half a century".

She said the union would stand "shoulder to shoulder" in the "fight for their jobs against this closure".

The Coats Group said consultations over the closure continue and that a decision has yet to be made.

A spokesperson said: "Texon has a long history in Skelton and we do not underestimate the effect of this proposal on our colleagues, their families and the wider community.

"We are committed to supporting our employees as best we can through what we appreciate is a difficult period."

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