Dinosaurs arrive at Newcastle's Centre for Life
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Exhibits arrive for the latest show at Centre for Life in Newcastle. Age of the Dinosaurs is due to open on 25 May.

The exhibition has been created in partnership with the Natural History Museum and design company Kokoro. Six lorries transported 80 crates of exhibits, including life-sized animatronic models, and real dinosaur bones.

Terry McCartney, technical and maintenance manager at Life, said: "Getting an exhibition of this size into the centre requires a lot of detailed planning. Luckily the dinosaurs could be lifted into the building straight from their transport containers into our loading area but they did attract a few second glances."

A team of 10 technical staff is building the exhibition which transport visitors back in time more than 65 million years to a Jurassic forest and Cretaceous desert.

A purpose-built loading door allowed the models to be transferred directly into the centre from the road outside.

Linda Conlon, chief executive of Life said: "Dinosaurs are always hugely popular and this new exhibition is particularly impressive."