Go North East bus strike: Deal reached with union

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Striking Go North East workers will now be balloted on the new offer

A pay deal has been reached that could end indefinite strike action which has hit bus services across the North East for more than a month.

Workers from Go North East are to be balloted on the offer, which would see an 11.2% pay rise.

The Unite union has recommended that the offer is accepted and a ballot will open on Tuesday, although the strike continues.

Go North East said it would not comment while workers were being balloted.

Unite's bus drivers have been on strike since 28 October.

Industrial action will continue if the ballot, which closes on Friday, is refused by the 1,300 workers.

The deal, which is over a two-year period, offers an 11.2% rise from 1 January, taking the majority of salaries from £12.83 to £14.27 per hour.

There would be a further rise from 1 July, in line with inflation, but subjected to a minimum of 4% in any case.

Workers would also receive a 10.5% rise backdated to 1 July 2023, if agreed. No changes to existing conditions would be made.

Unite national lead officer Onay Kasab said: "Unite can confirm that we have received a new offer from Go North East following talks.

"This offer will now be put to our members for ballot."

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Staff have been picketing outside the company's depot in Sunderland

The strikes have affected people across Northumberland, Tyneside, County Durham and Teesside.

Passengers have told the BBC they have had to cancel appointments and have described the impact of the strikes as "worse than the pandemic".

The Unite union has previously said its members did not want to strike but had been "forced" into it amid a pay row.

Drivers took to the picket line in a dispute over pay, with Unite saying its Go North East members were paid significantly less than people doing the same jobs at Go North West.

Taking drivers as a comparison, Unite said Go North East drivers received £12.83 per hour compared to those at Go North West, who are paid £15.54 per hour.

Go North East launched a skeleton service on some routes earlier in November.

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