Call for clarity on Ashington's £30m regeneration plans

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Ashington town centre
Image caption,

Three sites in Ashington are to benefit from the £30m funding announced in 2023

A council is facing calls to provide clarity on its £30m regeneration efforts for one of Northumberland's most deprived towns.

Three sites in Ashington are set to benefit from the funding which was announced in 2023.

Labour councillor Caroline Ball has called on the Conservative-led county council for "definitive dates" and "plans".

The authority said the final business cases would be announced shortly.

The funding has come from the North of Tyne Combined Authority, the council itself and the government.

When it was confirmed in June, it was announced the town would get a new cinema with Wansbeck Square being redeveloped.

Work to also due to improve pedestrian movement from the new Ashington Station, on the soon-to-reopen Northumberland Line, through the High Street.

'Last year's fanfare'

Speaking at a council meeting, Ms Ball said: "I just want some clarification. With the Ashington project, I would like to see definitive dates.

"I'm the ward councillor for Ashington Central where most of these projects are and I haven't seen a definitive plan.

"How can I sing and celebrate this money that has come to Ashington when it is 12 months since the fanfare and I still haven't seen a finished plan? It's meant to be delivered by 2026."

In response, Councillor Wojciech Ploszaj, the administration's cabinet member for business, said: "I think all the outcome business cases are being delivered now and very soon we will move into full business cases.

"Then we will be able to give you definitive dates."

Council leader Glen Sanderson added: "If we take politics out of this for a second, we know that Blyth and Ashington need investment and we have needed it there for some time now.

"I just think [the funding is] so good. I think we should all work together on it."

Design teams for the project were appointed in December, the Local Democracy Reporting Service said.

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