Timeline: Becky Godden-Edwards murder

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Here are the key dates in the long-running investigation into the murder of Becky Godden-Edwards.

  • January 1, 2003: Becky Godden-Edwards, 20, is last seen alive getting into a taxi outside a club in Swindon after a night out with friends

  • January 3, 2003: Christopher Halliwell visits a GP with a swollen hand and scratches to his face, and is described as "emotionally distressed and upset". He tells his doctor he had been in a fight with a customer who had started kicking his taxi

  • March 19, 2011: Sian O'Callaghan disappears after leaving the Suju nightclub in Swindon and is reported missing by her boyfriend

  • March 24, 2011: Police find Miss O'Callaghan's body and search for a second possible victim after arresting a 47-year-old man on suspicion of double murder

  • March 25, 2011: Police say they are searching for the body of another person who went missing from Wiltshire "several years ago" at Eastleach in Gloucestershire

  • March 26, 2011: Police searching for a second body near Eastleach find human remains.. Christopher Halliwell is charged with the murder of Miss O'Callaghan

  • April 5, 2011: Police name the woman whose remains were found as Becky Godden, who had been missing for eight years

  • May 31, 2012: Halliwell denies murdering Sian O'Callaghan at Preston Crown Court but a charge of murdering Becky Godden is removed from the indictment. Mrs Justice Cox rules that evidence gained following his arrest was inadmissible

  • October 19, 2012: Halliwell pleads guilty at Bristol Crown Court to murdering Sian O'Callaghan. He is sentenced to life imprisonment and must serve a minimum of 25 years

  • October 23, 2012: Following recommendations from the Independent Police Complaints Commission, Wiltshire Police says it will be writing to the family to apologise for any distress caused

  • September 9, 2013: The IPCC investigation into complaints made against Det Insp Steve Fulcher finds a case to answer for gross misconduct for breaches of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act and for ignoring force orders

  • January 2014: Det Insp Fulcher appears at a disciplinary hearing. The detective is found guilty of misconduct and given a final written warning

  • April 2014: Wiltshire Police search the field where Miss Godden was discovered again and find a bone, matching her DNA

  • May 16, 2014: Police say boots belonging to Sian O Callaghan and a shotgun have been found in a pond in Ramsbury, Wiltshire

  • February 2015: Halliwell is brought from his police cell to be interviewed by police on suspicion of murdering Becky Godden

  • May 15, 2015: Mr Fulcher resigns from Wiltshire Police

  • March 30, 2016: Halliwell is charged with the murder of Becky Godden-Edwards

  • June 9, 2016: Halliwell appears via video link at Bristol Crown Court and denies murdering Becky Godden

  • September 5, 2016: Halliwell's trial for the murder of Becky Godden-Edwards begins

  • September 19, 2016: The trial jury finds Halliwell guilty of her murder