Wiltshire man who lost wife and mother to Covid urges caution

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Charles Persinger
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Charles Persinger believes it is too soon to ease restrictions

A man who lost his wife and his mother to coronavirus is urging people not to take risks as the majority of lockdown restrictions are lifted on Monday.

Charles Persinger's wife Katie, 51, died after catching Covid at the care home where she worked in Wiltshire. His mother had died a month earlier.

Mr Persinger said lifting restrictions now is "irresponsible" and "a mistake".

The Health Secretary Sajid Javid has said vaccinations have created a "protective wall".

But the government is urging people to proceed with caution, with the Prime Minister warning "this pandemic is not over" .

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Katie Persinger caught Covid while working at a care home in Wiltshire

Mrs Persinger, who died in February, was assistant manager at the care home.

"It hit her really quickly, she was home for about four or five days, but she had deteriorated by then, and required hospitalisation," said Mr Persinger, from Swindon.

"A couple of weeks later she was ventilated and never woke up."

His mother, Susan, had caught the virus a month earlier during a hospital stay for a broken bone and died shortly after.

"It's devastated my family. Two of the most important women in my life have gone, they are not coming back," he said.

"It could have been prevented. The government could have done more."

'Families deserve answers'

From 19 July, almost all legal restrictions on social contact will be removed in England, but some guidance will remain.

Mr Persinger said that he will keep on taking precautions.

"Lifting restrictions is a mistake, it will make people less cautious and it will spread the virus," he said.

"I don't think the government are listening to the advice [from scientists] they are given."

Mr Persinger is also calling for an inquiry into the government's decision making during the pandemic, adding that his mother should have been better protected in hospital.

"Families deserve answers," he said.

The government says a full public inquiry will be held "as soon as is reasonably possible".