North Yorkshire Council: £80k redundancy package for outgoing leader

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Paul Shevlin, chief executive of Craven District CouncilImage source, LDRS
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Paul Shevlin will leave Craven District Council with a redundancy package worth £80,366

An outgoing council chief executive will receive a redundancy package worth £80,366, councillors have agreed.

Craven District Council's Paul Shevlin will get £43,973.25 in contractual redundancy and £36,393.10 for a notice period of four months.

Redundancy packages are being agreed as the new unitary authority North Yorkshire Council is poised to replace eight smaller district councils.

Mr Shelvin will not work his notice because his role will end on 1 April.

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North Yorkshire Council will replace eight smaller district councils

The package was agreed during Wednesday's full council meeting, reports the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS).

Mr Shevlin, appointed in 2008, will receive a lower settlement than other outgoing North Yorkshire district council chief executives.

Hambleton District Council's chief executive, Justin Ives, is to receive a £225,000 settlement, which has attracted criticism from Unison and the Taxpayers' Alliance. The same authority is also said to be offering six-figure settlements to four other outgoing senior officers, according to LDRS.

Current North Yorkshire County Council chief executive Richard Flinton has already been announced as the chief executive of North Yorkshire Council.

He will earn up to £197,000 a year with responsibility for an annual budget of £1.4bn and a workforce of 10,500 staff.