North Yorkshire: Ian Neasham jailed for abuse and rape of girls

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Ian NeashamImage source, North Yorkshire Police
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Ian Neasham, 65, has been jailed for 28 years

A "predatory sex offender" who raped and abused young girls has been jailed for 28 years.

Ian Neasham, 65, from Londonderry, North Yorkshire, conducted an "appalling catalogue of abuse" against three victims over an 11-year period.

He was convicted of 24 offences, including nine counts of rape, at Teesside Crown Court.

On Monday, he was told he must serve at least two-thirds of his sentence before being considered for parole.

Neasham's offences, which began in the 1990s, came to light in November 2020 when one of his victims confided in someone they trusted, which resulted in his arrest.

North Yorkshire Police said this resulted in two further victims coming forward.

Neasham's youngest victim was 10 at the time the abuse began.

Victim interviews, disclosures made to counsellors and searches of Neasham's home and digital devices enabled the force to bring 25 charges against him.

Neasham denied all the offences and was cleared of one count of indecent assault, but convicted of nine counts of rape, seven of indecent assault and two counts of sexual activity with a child.

He was also convicted of two counts of taking indecent photographs of a child, three counts of possession of indecent photographs of a child and one count of possessing an extreme pornographic image.

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Neasham was sentenced at Teesside Crown Court on Monday

In impact statements given during sentencing, his victims recalled how Neasham's behaviour had affected them.

One said Neasham "took advantage" of the trust she had for him and had meant her childhood was filled with "abuse and anger".

The victim recalled how she needed to tell someone what was happening but feared he would follow through with his threats to kill her if she did.

"I lost my innocence because of what he did to me," she said.

Another victim said her behaviour at home and school was affected by the ordeal.

"I felt angry, frustrated, and upset, like no-one cared and no-one could see why or what was happening to me," she said.

"I felt alone through it all, and I couldn't talk to anyone about it because of the threats he had made.

"He took my innocence and ruined my childhood. I felt petrified whenever I was around him."

A third victim described feeling "dirty and physically sick at times", during the abuse.

"I was terrified of him and what he would say about me or do to me because he was a violent man," she said.

"I was scared he would hurt me or someone else."

Image source, North Yorkshire Police
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Neasham (pictured during a police interview) had denied all 25 charges brought against him

Speaking after the sentencing, Det Con Gillian Gowling said: "Neasham is a predatory sex offender who was responsible for an appalling catalogue of abuse against vulnerable victims who he believed he could control, intimidate, and silence from speaking out about his despicable crimes."

She praised the victims' bravery and determination and said they had shown "incredible courage and strength".

"They have suffered in silence for many years, but I hope they can finally start to move forward and rebuild their lives knowing that Neasham is now rightfully behind bars where he belongs."

Neasham's prison sentence will be followed by a four-year extended licence and he has been placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

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