Northern Ireland elections results: 'Let's get back to work'

What was initially thought to be a tight race saw the SDLP's Colum Eastwood win back the Foyle seat from Sinn Féin's Elisha McCallion with a huge majority.

Mr Eastwood said he was keen for Northern Ireland to "get back to work".

"This is a story about the revival of the SDLP but it's more about the message and desire of the people of our city and the people of the north generally," he said during his victory speech.

"We hear you loud and clear, we know you want someone to go to Westminster to fight your case, to stand up to Boris Johnson, to protect us from Brexit.

"You also want us to get back to work in Stormont, no more excuses will be accepted by the people of our city or by the people of Northern Ireland."