Anorexia nervosa: 'Calorie counting became my obsession'

Niamh Wynne dropped from 15 stone to seven-and-a-half stone after becoming obsessed with calorie tracking and weighing herself.

Her weight loss began healthily, but she soon developed problems as she attempted to lose more and more weight.

"I got to a healthy weight and I thought, 'I'll stop here', but then a little voice in my head said, 'no keep going'."

Her periods stopped due to eating excessively low calories and doctors warned her that she may never be able to have children.

The turning point was when Niamh realised how much anorexia was affecting her family as well as her own future.

Now, Niamh has overcome anorexia and lives in Donemana, County Tyrone, with her boyfriend Ruairi and their two children, Dairé and Cathal.

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Footage in this video was filmed before coronavirus restrictions were introduced in March.

Video journalist: Emily McGarvey