Ex-PSNI officer jailed for underage sex offences while on duty

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Laganside Courts

A former PSNI officer has been jailed for a series of sexual offences involving underage girls while on duty at police headquarters in Belfast.

Christopher Little, 39, pleaded guilty to four counts of attempted sexual communication with a child and three offences of attempting to arrange or facilitate the commission of a sex act.

Little also admitted to attempting to incite a child to commit a sex act and possessing an indecent image.

He faces a year in prison.

Little, with an address at Cove Avenue, Groomsport, County Down, committed the offences between 6 May 2020 and 3 February 2022.

Prosecution barrister Natalie Pinkerton told Belfast Crown Court on Thursday that in the summer of 2021 the PSNI was contacted by the North West of England Regional Organised Crime Unit.

It said undercover police officers acting as children aged 12-14 had engaged online with an individual based in Northern Ireland and the conversations were sexual in nature.

During one conversation with a girl called 'Izzy', Little told her that he was 27 and from Manchester and "always had young girlfriends''.

"He tells her he really likes her. He asks her for a picture, saying he would send her one," Ms Pinkerton said.

"A live picture is sent and he tells her she looks 'hot'. Little sends a photograph of a male from the neck down standing in toilets. He says he is in work. This photograph was taken in PSNI HQ."

Little also talked to 'Izzy' about "meeting up", saying he lived 30 minutes from her, the court heard.

He also contacted 13-year-old 'Millie' and asked for a photograph. 'Millie' said: "You first." The defendant replies: "Awh, please u first. I'm older. I have more to loose please (sic)."

'Scrutiny didn't deter offending'

On 6 September 2021 Little's home was searched and a number of items were seized, including his mobile phone. He was arrested but refused to answer police questions.

Ms Pinkerton said: "The PSNI were informed by the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI) that Mr Little was currently under investigation and had a mobile device seized as part of their investigation in May 2020. This was passed to the investigating team for examination.

"Therefore whilst being interviewed by PONI between August 2020 and July 2021, the defendant was continuing to message who he believed were young and vulnerable girls.

"Being interviewed and questioned about his behaviour did not deter or prevent offending.''

The court heard that on 10 January 2022, the PSNI questioned Little again. He was charged with a number of offences and bailed.

Ms Pinkerton said that on 1 February 2022 Little messaged 13-year-old 'Zoe' but she refused to send him a picture.

A large number of non-indecent images of young girls were found on his mobile along with his web-browsing history.

'Spectacular fall from grace'

"The prosecution suggests this shows the deep-seated sexual interest he has in young girls," Ms Pinkerton said.

"He was a serving police officer, on duty at the time of these sexual communications and involved in taking pictures of himself while in police headquarters.''

Defence barrister Sean Mullan said Little had had a "spectacular fall from grace''. He had lost his PSNI job and his wife had left him and took their four children to England, the court heard.

Jailing Little for 12 months, Judge Mark Reel told him he would spend a further two years on supervised licence after his release.

The judge added: "The aggravating factors are that you were a serving member of the PSNI and engaged in this activity while on duty.

"This offence represents a serious assault on public confidence in the police. The fact that these offences were carried out while already under investigation by the (Police) Ombudsman aggravates the degree by which this offending affects public confidence in the police.

"This also demonstrates the disregard by the defendant of his position."

Little was made the subject of a 10-year Sexual Offences Prevention Order and was placed indefinitely on the sex offenders register.