2011 Liberal Democrat conference: What to look out for

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The Liberal Democrats begin their autumn conference in Birmingham on Saturday.

Here is a summary of the main events during the five-day gathering.


14.30: Conference opens

15.10: Debate on reforms of the House of Lords

15.55: Speech by Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone

16:15: Debate on incapacity benefit assessment tests

18.30: Party rally (speakers include Nick Clegg)


11.15: Speech by Children's and Families minister Sarah Teather

11.35: Debate on tuition fees for part-time students

12.20: Speech by Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander

14.30: Debate on support for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds

15.30: Q&A on social mobility

16.20: Speech by party President Tim Farron

16.40: Debate on drugs policy


9.30: Debate on phone hacking

10.30: Speech by Edward Davey, Minister for Postal Affairs

10.50: Debate on 'Facing the future' policy agenda

12.20: Speech by Business Secretary Vince Cable

14.30: Debate on violence against women

15.15: Q&A with Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg

16.00: Debate on digital economy

17.10: Speech by Transport Minister Norman Baker


9.40: Debate on blood donations by gay men

10.20: Debate on care for the elderly

11.15: Speech by Pensions Minister Steve Webb

11.35: Q&A on NHS reforms

12.20: Speech by Energy Secretary Chris Huhne

14.30: Debate on green jobs and recovery

15.30: Speech by Communities Minister Andrew Stunell

15.50: Debate on quality of life agenda


9.30: Debate on the Arab Spring

10.15: Speech by Scottish Secretary Michael Moore

10.35: Q&A on foreign policy

11.20: Speech by Kirsty Williams, Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats

11.40: Debate on NHS reforms

15.00: Speech by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg

16:00: Conference closes

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