Key question from borders report

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Standby for more headlines about borders chaos.

The home secretary is about to unveil the official report into the relaxing of border controls last summer.

Ministers have had the report by the chief inspector of the UK Border Agency, John Vine, for some time. I am told that they are relaxed about what it says about them but shocked about what it says about how often and for how long officials relaxed border controls.

The row that led to the inquiry also led, you may recall, to the UK Border Force chief Brodie Clark being suspended and later quitting. He confirmed that some controls had been relaxed without ministerial approval but insisted that he was "no rogue" and is suing the Home Office.

Last month the House of Commons home affairs committee produced a report saying it was "shocked" at the number of times checks had been waived when ports and airports became too busy.

The question that may be most interesting to focus on today is this: If Brodie Clark was "no rogue" who else did know what was going on and for how long and what are ministers now going to do about it?