Q&A: UK plan to monitor all email, phone and web use

A guide to what we know about the government's plan to change the law so that there can be more monitoring of people's emails, phone calls and web usage in the UK.

<paragraph>What's the row about?</paragraph>

<paragraph>So it's a plan for a giant database?</paragraph>

<paragraph>So what exactly is the plan?</paragraph>

<paragraph>What about the 'real time' bit?</paragraph>

<paragraph>Can't they do that already?</paragraph>

<paragraph>What kind of oversight will there be?</paragraph>

<paragraph>So will the government be able to read my Facebook conversations?</paragraph>

<paragraph>Will my local council be able to find out about my web use?</paragraph>

<paragraph>Didn't the Conservatives and Lib Dems oppose this idea when Labour suggested it?</paragraph>

<paragraph>What do Labour make of the reported plans?</paragraph>

<paragraph>What do critics say?</paragraph>

<paragraph>What do internet service providers say?</paragraph>

<paragraph>So when are we likely to learn more?</paragraph>

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