Conservative Party 2012 conference: Agenda in full

  • Published

The Conservative Party holds its autumn conference in Birmingham between 7 and 10 October. Here is the guide to what will be happening on the conference floor.


14.30: Conference opens

  • Party chairman Grant Shapps

14.50: Defence, Europe and International Affairs

  • Foreign Secretary William Hague

  • Defence Secretary Philip Hammond

16.30: Road to 2015 (Closed doors event for party members)


09.00: The UK in Action

  • Northern Ireland Secretary Theresa Villiers

  • Welsh Secretary David Jones

  • Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson

11.00: The Economy

  • Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin

  • Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne

14.30: Turning Communities Around

  • Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith

  • Communities Secretary Eric Pickles

  • Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude

16.30: Conservative Policy Forum event on the deficit and welfare (Closed doors event for party members)


09.00: Environment, Energy and Climate Change

  • Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Owen Paterson

09.45: International Development

  • International Development Secretary Justine Greening

11.00: Speech by Mayor of London Boris Johnson

11.30: Health and Education

  • Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt

  • Education Secretary Michael Gove

14.30: Justice and Home Affairs

  • Home Secretary Theresa May

  • Justice Secretary Chris Grayling

16.30: Road to 2015

  • Conservative director of campaigning Stephen Gilbert


10.30: Celebrating the UK

  • Culture, Media and Sport Secretary Maria Miller

11.15: Speech by Prime Minister David Cameron

12.30: Conference ends