In full: Labour conference 2013 agenda

  • Published

Labour's annual conference is being held in Brighton this year. Below is a rundown of what's happening where and when.

Sunday 22nd September

10.00 Doors formally open

11.00 - 12.45 Morning plenary session

  • Welcome to Brighton - a report from the Conference Arrangements Committee

  • National Executive Committee (NEC) Chair's Address with Harriet Yeo

  • Merit and Long Service awards

  • Obituaries

  • Rebuilding Our Party with reports from general secretary Iain McNicol and chairwoman of the party's National Policy Forum Angela Eagle MP

14.15 - 17.00 Afternoon plenary session

  • Education and Children with shadow education secretary Stephen Twigg

  • Scottish report

  • Better Politics with shadow equalities minister Yvette Cooper

  • Living Standards and Sustainability with shadow environment secretary Mary Creagh

  • Welsh report

17.00 End of session

Monday 23rd September

09.30 - 12.45 Morning plenary session

  • Speech by Gareth Thomas MP

  • Report from the European Parliamentary Labour Party with Glenis Wilmott MEP, Labour's leader in Europe

  • Britain's Global Role with shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander, shadow defence secretary Jim Murphy and shadow international development secretary Ivan Lewis

  • Work and Business with shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna

  • Stability and Prosperity with shadow chancellor Ed Balls

12.45 Break

14.15 - 16.00 Afternoon plenary session

  • Work and Business (cont) with shadow work and pensions secretary Liam Byrne

  • Jobs Guarantee Discussion Panel

  • Northern Ireland report with shadow Northern Ireland secretary Vernon Coaker

16.15 Policy seminars

Tuesday 24th September

09.30 - 12.45 Morning plenary session

  • NEC treasurer's report with Unite's Diana Holland

  • NEC auditor's report with the Community union's Michael Leahy

  • Local government report with David Sparks, Labour's LGA leader

12.45 Break

14.15 - 16.00 Afternoon plenary session

  • Leader Ed Miliband's speech

16.15 Policy seminars

Wednesday 25th September

09.30 Policy seminars

10.30 - 12.45 Morning plenary session

  • Stronger Safer Communities with shadow local government secretary Hilary Benn, shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan and shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper

  • Health and Care with shadow health secretary Andy Burnham

12.45 Break

14.15 -16.00 Afternoon plenary session

  • Leaders's Q&A with Ed Miliband

  • Closing speech from deputy leader Harriet Harman

Correct at time of writing. All sessions and timings subject to change.