Election Morning Reports with Andrew Neil and Jo Coburn

Though the election period, Andrew Neil has a film each weekday on the headlines and updates on the political campaigns. All of the films can be watched on this page.

Wednesday 6 May

With just one more day until polling day, the parties are making their last dashes on the campaign trail

Tuesday 5 May

The polls are still refusing to shift decisively, and there are just hours left for party leaders to win over voters.

Monday 4 May

Jo Coburn looks at what the leaders have been up to over the final weekend of campaigning

Friday 1 May

Jo Coburn goes back over the leaders on Question Time. and a series of interviews with Nigel Farage, Nicola Sturgeon and Leanne Wood, which were dominating the political headlines on Friday

Thursday 30 April

Politicians are waiting for a royal baby and a series of evening TV programmes featuring party political leaders.

Wednesday 29 April

Only eight days to go until the general election and Adam Fleming looks at the development of the election campaign

Tuesday 28 April

Ellie Price looked at how the election campaign has been developing on the day the latest GDP figures have come out

Monday 27 April

There are just 10 days to go until election day, as Jo Coburn looked at how the election campaign was developing and asked the prime minster about him being "pumped up".

Friday 24 April

Adam Fleming reports on the fallout over Ed Miliband's foreign policy speech and Conservative plans for English devolution

Thursday 23 April

Jo Coburn reports on the election campaign on St George's Day, two weeks ahead of polling day

Wednesday 22 April

Click for Wednesday's report

Tuesday 21 April

Another day dominated by Conservative claims that a Labour-SNP government would destroy the UK, while Labour attempt to shift the debate back on to the NHS

Monday 20 April

Andrew Neil looked at how the SNP have been dominating this election campaign

Friday 17 April

Adam Fleming reports on the spin room at the BBC debate getting reaction to five political leaders on the stage

Thursday 16 April

There has been a lull in the election campaign with all eyes on the Thursday night election debate for five party leaders, says Andrew Neil

Wednesday 15 April

Andrew Neil reports as Lib Dems and UKIP launch their mainfestos, but a Labour candidate struggles to recall what is in hers

Tuesday 14 April

Housing has been in the headlines, being a key pledge in the Conservative election manifesto and Nick Clegg talking about more affordable homes

Monday 13 April

As the parties get ready to launch their manifestos, Andrew Neil looks at claims made in weekend TV interviews

Friday 10 April

Freezing rail fares, challenging the SNP over spending and cuts, and a bid to help younger people buy a home.

Thursday 9 April

A collapsing stage, accusations that politicians are backstabbers and a 'boy band' feature in Andrew Neil's report

Wednesday 8 April

Labour's plans over non-dom status and tests for school children in England feature in Andrew Neil's daily campaign report

Tuesday 7 April

Jo Coburn reports from Tory and Lib Dem press conferences as they dispute who should get the credit for tax changes

Thursday 2 April

Andrew Neil's Morning Report for Thursday looks forward to the televised debate between seven political leaders later that day in Salford.

Wednesday 1 April

Andrew Neil looks at the campaign issues, where he attends the UKIP press conference and asks about immigration

Tuesday 31 March

Andrew Neil has the political headlines in his report on how the election campaign unfolded on Tuesday morning.

Monday 30 March

In the first of a series of films throughout the election campaign, Andrew Neil looks at the headlines

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