Jeremy Corbyn's 162 questions for the PM in 2017
- Published

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn asked 162 questions at Prime Minister's Questions in 2017. Here is a list of them all, and a breakdown by topic.

Topics raised by Corbyn in 2017 PMQs with May
The opposition leader gets six questions per session
11 January
NHS and social care
18 January
25 January
1 February
Donald Trump
8 February
NHS - two questions
Surrey Council - four questions
22 February
1 March
PIP/Welfare changes
8 March
School places and funding
15 March
NIC changes
22 March
School places - four questions
Grammar schools - two questions
29 March
Westminster terrorist attack - one question
Cuts to policing - three questions
Cuts to education budget - one question
19 April
Prime ministerial debate
Child poverty rates
School budgets - two questions
NHS waiting times
26 April
Housing - three questions
WASPI women and education
NHS waiting lists - two questions
28 June
Grenfell Tower
5 July
Public Sector Pay
12 July
19 July
6 September
Zero Hours / Low Pay
Corporate Pay
Energy Prices / Profits
Sports Direct / Zero Hours
Public Sector Pay
Income Tax / NI / VAT Rates
13 September
Disability Welfare Cuts
Public Sector Pay
Public Sector Pay
Pay v Inflation
Student Fees
11 October
Universal credit - five questions
The government's record
18 October
Wage stagnation / Economy - two questions
Pausing Universal Credit
NHS pay rise funding
Young people debt / Economy
25 October
Universal Credit - five questions
Government record
1 November
Tax Avoidance
15 November
Public Sector Cuts
Universal Credit
SchoolsTax Avoidance
22 November
Brexit - five questions
Tax avoidance
29 November
Government Record
Nurse Retention - three questions
NHS Provision
6 December
Brexit - five questions
Government's record
13 December
Housing - five questions
Government's record
20 December
NHS - five questions
Social care
* The list does not include occasions when the Prime Minister and Jeremy Corbyn did not take part in PMQs
See how it compares with the previous year: Jeremy Corbyn's 198 questions for PM in 2016.