Jeremy Corbyn's 162 questions for the PM in 2017

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Jeremy CorbynImage source, HoC

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn asked 162 questions at Prime Minister's Questions in 2017. Here is a list of them all, and a breakdown by topic.

Jeremy Corbyn's questions

Topics raised by Corbyn in 2017 PMQs with May

The opposition leader gets six questions per session

11 January

NHS and social care

18 January


25 January


1 February

Donald Trump

8 February

NHS - two questions

Surrey Council - four questions

22 February


1 March

PIP/Welfare changes

8 March

School places and funding

15 March

NIC changes

22 March

School places - four questions

Grammar schools - two questions

29 March

Westminster terrorist attack - one question

Cuts to policing - three questions

Cuts to education budget - one question

19 April

Prime ministerial debate

Child poverty rates


School budgets - two questions

NHS waiting times

26 April

Housing - three questions

WASPI women and education

NHS waiting lists - two questions

28 June

Grenfell Tower

5 July

Public Sector Pay

12 July


19 July


6 September

Zero Hours / Low Pay

Corporate Pay

Energy Prices / Profits

Sports Direct / Zero Hours

Public Sector Pay

Income Tax / NI / VAT Rates

13 September

Disability Welfare Cuts

Public Sector Pay

Public Sector Pay

Pay v Inflation

Student Fees


11 October

Universal credit - five questions

The government's record

18 October

Wage stagnation / Economy - two questions

Pausing Universal Credit

NHS pay rise funding

Young people debt / Economy


25 October

Universal Credit - five questions

Government record

1 November

Tax Avoidance

15 November


Public Sector Cuts

Universal Credit


SchoolsTax Avoidance

22 November

Brexit - five questions

Tax avoidance

29 November

Government Record

Nurse Retention - three questions

NHS Provision


6 December

Brexit - five questions

Government's record

13 December

Housing - five questions

Government's record

20 December

NHS - five questions

Social care

* The list does not include occasions when the Prime Minister and Jeremy Corbyn did not take part in PMQs

See how it compares with the previous year: Jeremy Corbyn's 198 questions for PM in 2016.