How did my MP vote on Brexit indicative votes?

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MPs in Parliament

MPs have been voting on four different options for the next steps in the Brexit process.

Options included another referendum, seeking a customs union, staying in the single market, and potentially cancelling Brexit altogether if no deal could be agreed.

None of the proposals earned a majority in the second round of so-called "indicative votes" to test Parliamentary support.

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The customs union proposal put forward by Ken Clarke came closest to securing a majority, failing by just three votes. Last Wednesday it lost by six votes.

The option with the most parliamentary support was the proposal of Peter Kyle and Phil Wilson, to hold another public vote to confirm any option agreed by Parliament. It received 280 votes but had 292 against.

It was supported by seven more Conservatives and five additional Labour members compared to when it was put forward by Dame Margaret Beckett last Wednesday.

Nick Boles resigned the Conservative whip after his Common Market 2.0 proposal failed by 21 votes. It would have seen the UK remain in the single market and join a temporary customs union.

He said that the second rejection in a week was because his party "refuses to compromise". More than 220 Tories voted against it both times it was put forward.

Joanna Cherry's proposal would have seen Parliament given the power to avoid no-deal by cancelling Brexit if no extension was granted by the EU beyond the current 12 April deadline.

It was not tabled in the last round of indicative votes and was the least popular choice on Monday, defeated by 101 votes.

How did your MP vote on previous Brexit debates?

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By Maryam Ahmed, Daniel Dunford and Clara Guibourg