Tory MP blames Angela Rayner for abuse of mother and staff

Conservative MP Shaun Bailey has blamed Angela Rayner for his mother being verbally abused.

On Tuesday, Labour's deputy leader issued a statement apologising for calling one of his Tory colleagues "scum" during a Commons debate.

Mr Bailey, who is MP for West Bromwich West, said that his mother received a phone call on Tuesday night "using that type of word, because she was my mother". He added that his staff had also been abused.

He said that the language was "abhorrent" and called on Ms Rayner to appear in the Commons chamber to apologise "not just to us but to my mum as well".

In response, the Leader of the Commons Jacob Rees-Mogg said: "Inevitably, discussing heated political matters people state their case forcefully, but they must do so politely."