Len McCluskey backs candidate in race to lead Unite union

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Len McCluskey

Unite's general secretary Len McCluskey has announced he is backing Steve Turner in the race to replace him as head of the influential union.

Mr Turner is one of three candidates left in the race alongside Sharon Graham and Gerard Coyne.

He said it was "a great honour" to received Mr McCluskey's support, but Ms Graham said it was "a desperate attempt to boost a failing campaign".

Ballot papers for the election were sent out on Monday 5 July.

The outcome of the vote is important to the union's 1.4 million members as well as the employers with which it negotiates.

Unite is also Labour's biggest single donor, so the result will have an impact on the party's leadership.

How important is Len McCluskey's backing?

Len McCluskey is one of the best known and most influential figures in the labour movement.

If any Unite members are unsure of who to back in the leadership race and feel they don't know the other candidates well, then they may take their lead from the current general secretary.

But his endorsement of Steve Turner is not a surprise - Mr Turner organised Mr McCluskey's previous successful election campaigns.

And the other candidates believe they can turn the endorsement to their advantage.

It allows Sharon Graham - also on the Left - to argue that she is the candidate best placed to take on the union establishment.

And Gerard Coyne - denounced as a 'right-winger' by his opponents - ran Mr McCluskey close last time.

So he will maintain that Steve Turner is 'continuity McCluskey' and hope to pick up the votes of those who want a clean break with the past.

Mr Turner welcomed Mr McCluskey's endorsement saying: "Len's support recognises that I am the only candidate with the experience, integrity and vision necessary to take our union forward.

"The stakes could not be higher - the economy and the world of work are changing at a frightening pace and now more than ever, we need a united, vocal and confident union to face the challenges and meet the opportunities ahead."

Mr Coyne said: "Now Len has thrown his weight behind Steve Turner, Sharon must be feeling disappointed.

"Personally, I'm delighted. It makes the choice clearer; if you want real change in Unite, vote for me.

"If you want more of the same, vote for either of the internal continuity candidates."

Meanwhile, a senior spokesperson for the Sharon Graham campaign said: "Frankly, Len McCluskey's unprecedented intervention in the election has the look of a desperate attempt to boost Steve Turner's failing campaign.

"The penny has dropped that Sharon is now the one to beat.

"The two men left in the race represent the past, the union establishment - only Sharon stands for real change, only she can unite the union and her coming victory will do that."