Audience wins first EU debate on social media

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This audience member who tried a chat up line on the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire while asking a question was on one of the surprising stars of the BBC's first EU debate.
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This audience member who tried a chat up line on the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire while asking a question was one of the surprising stars of the BBC's first EU debate.

The BBC's first televised EU referendum debate was held in Scotland, but on social media most people wanted to talk about the audience.

The 150 young voters, aged between 18 to 29, questioned four politicians in Glasgow.

Former SNP leader Alex Salmond and Labour MP Alan Johnson made the case for staying in the EU.

UKIP MEP Diane James and Conservative MP Liam Fox argued for exiting the EU in 23 June's referendum.

Twitter and BBC News monitored some 45,000 tweets which were sent using the hashtag #BBCDebate. These are the main moments from the online conversation.

Ban clapping

In the opening minutes of the show hosted by Victoria Derbyshire, it quickly became apparent that both sides of the audience were going to show their support for the politicians by loudly clapping after every statement.

This is going to be one of those really annoying debates where folks clap at literally everything everyone saysImage source, Twitter: Cameron Hill

Since the audience was split according to their voting preference, this quickly meant that whenever one side of the audience was clapping, another third would sit in stony faced silence.

Dat Awkward applause DoeImage source, Twitter: @pewpy
We need to ban clapping #euref #bbcdebate so annoyingImage source, Twitter: James Axford 97

Emily from Poole

An audience member's questions about social housing and the impact that leaving the EU might have on the chance of her mother getting an appropriate bungalow caused the first big stir of the night, according to Twitter data.

Emily from Poole argued that she wanted to leave the European Union because of fears that her family would not have access to a council home due to pressure from migrants.

More than 900 tweets a minute were sent after she made her comments, and prompted this response from Chris Kerr, which proved to be the most shared tweet of the debate.

This #BBCDebate is the best soap opera I've ever seen. Tune in tomorrow to see if Emily's mum gets her bungalow.Image source, Twitter: Chris Kerr
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This tweet by Chris Kerry was the most popular tweet shared during the debate.

The Scottish Referendum

A debate about whether or not there would be another another Scottish referendum within two years if Britain voted to leave the EU caused the most number of tweets per minute, with more than a thousand tweets being sent at 8:50pm.

Twitter data shows that Alex Salmond was also the most mentioned candidate during the debate, with Liam Fox coming second followed by Alan Johnson and Diane James.

Since when did the EU referendum become the Scottish Referendum??Image source, Twitter: Freya Fleming
There was a Scottish Referendum I'm not sure I have heard Alex Salmond talk about this before.Image source, Twitter: Ben Crowden

EU roaming charges

A Remain supporter who tried to argue that the European Union had caused significant changes to mobile phone roaming charges also sparked fierce online debate. After she was interrupted several times by Leave supporters, she complained that "This feels like I'm in the House of Commons here and it's prime minister's questions,".

Leave Audience members are interrupting every sentence this women says. This is increasingly hard to watchImage source, Twitter: Callum Delhoy

But UKIP MEPs were quick to dismiss her comments.

Yes Alex Salmond, let's give away our democracy so we can all have lower roaming charges...Let's value our democracy again.Image source, Twitter: Steven Woolfe MEP

Flirting fail

And finally one of the surprising stars of the debate was a young audience member who propositioned Victoria Derbyshire while asking a question during the debate. She declined to join him on a date, but that hasn't stopped many people online asking to find out further details about his slick pick up skills.

Smoothest guy on TV right nowImage source, Twitter: Brendan Cox