Reaction: Scotland's gay marriage bill passed

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Larry Lamont and Jerry Slater (R) take part in a symbolic same-sex marriage outside the Scottish Parliament in EdinburghImage source, Reuters

A change in the law that will allow same-sex couples in Scotland to marry has been approved in a "historic" vote at Holyrood.

The Scottish Parliament overwhelmingly voted in favour of legislation that will permit gay marriages - with the first such ceremonies now expected to take place before the end of this year.

Alex Neil - Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing

"This is a historic moment for equality in Scotland. I am proud that the Scottish Parliament has taken this progressive and hugely important decision in favour of equal rights in our country. It is right that same sex couples should be able to freely express their love and commitment to each other through getting married. Marriage is about love, and that has always been at the heart of this issue."

Jim Hume - Scottish Liberal Democrats

"Today Scotland took a historic step towards the fairer society we all wish to see. This significance of this moment was captured perfectly by the scores of people who came to parliament to show their support for equality in marriage. This demonstrates that our society values every person equally irrespective of their sexuality, and that we regard every loving relationship as worthy of equal recognition."

Colin Macfarlane, director of Stonewall Scotland

"This a truly historic moment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Scotland. We're delighted that MSPs have overwhelmingly demonstrated that they're committed to building a Scotland fit for the 21st century. We're also hugely grateful to the thousands of Stonewall supporters who have played a big part by contacting their MSPs to show their support. We'll now be lobbying the Scottish Government to ensure that the first marriages take place in Scotland within months of the Act receiving Royal Assent."

Tom French - The Equality Network

"Today will be remembered in history as the day that lesbian, gay and bisexual people were finally granted full legal equality in Scotland, and given an equal right to marry the person they love. This is a profoundly emotional moment for many people who grew up in a country where being gay was still a criminal offence until 1980. Scotland can be proud that we now have one of the most progressive equal marriage bills in the world, and that we've sent out a strong message about the kind of country we are."

The Reverend David Robertson - Free Church of Scotland minister in Dundee and director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity

"Those of us who do not accept this redefinition of marriage and hold to the traditional view which has been the building block of our society, mourn this day. Not just because it is certain that we will now be discriminated against when we do not bow down to the new State absolutist morality, but because we believe that ultimately this will be detrimental to the people of Scotland, especially the poor and marginalised."

Scottish Quaker Phil Lucas

"Scottish Quakers are delighted that this bill has been passed which will bring marriage equality to Scotland, which we have been working towards. Quakers warmly support this move and look forward to celebrating such marriages in our meeting houses."