Warning issued over 'drunk walking'
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New figures have indicated the extent of the danger posed by pedestrians under the influence of drink.
UK-wide research indicated that the Glasgow area comes third for pedestrian drunkenness, just behind Greater London and Kent.
The past year saw 126 injuries to people on foot in Glasgow who had been drinking.
Road safety campaigners have urged people to give more thought to their journey home, even if they are walking.
Liz Brooker of Road Safety UK said: "The biggest issue with drunk walking is that they would be over what we would call the drink-drive limit.
"It would impair them enough to see very clearly, they wouldn't have a good sense of judgement."
Party season
The research, commissioned by the website confused.com, suggested that men and people under the age of 24 were most at risk.
In total, 21% of people contacted by researchers across the UK said they had walked home after consuming eight drinks or more.
The research was published as Police Scotland warned people to be on the alert for opportunistic criminals when they are out celebrating during the party season.
The force has teamed up with British Transport Police, NHS, the Scottish Ambulance Service, Best Bar None and other organisations to drive home the message as part of a festive safety campaign.
The dangers they have highlighted included pick-pockets, unlicensed taxis and drink-spiking.
Opportunistic criminals
Insp Scott Tees, of Police Scotland, said: "The final weekend before Christmas is always the busiest time with people having office parties and nights out.
"It's also very alluring to the opportunistic criminal, who preys on people who've had a bit too much to drink."
He said people should keep an eye on their drinks, bags and jackets and stay away from illicit substances and legal highs as well as watching out for unlicensed taxis.
"It is the party season, so have a great time, but try and drink responsibly, as the more you drink the more your judgement is clouded and you can be less aware of what's happening around you," Insp Tees added.
David Duthie, of Best Bar None Scotland, said: "Best Bar None is an integral part of the Safer Areas Initiatives throughout Scotland and aims to positively enhance the night-time economy by rewarding venues which promote a responsible drinking environment.
"We want you to enjoy yourselves over the festive period. However, we would encourage responsible drinking and to plan ahead."
- Published5 December 2014
- Published9 December 2014
- Published12 December 2014